INTRODUCTION Winding up or liquidation
of a company is the ending of a company's life;
its property administered for the benefit of its
creditors and members. At the end of the
winding-up, the company will be dissolved.
Types of
Winding Up
There are two main
types of winding up: compulsory, under and order
of the court; and voluntary, under resolution of
the company: 211. The former occurs
when the occurs when the directors or those in
control do not want the company to be liquidated,
whereas the latter occurs when they do.
Winding Up by
the Court (Compulsory Liquidation)
The company, any
creditor or any member may petition the court to
wind up the company on any of the grounds, only
two need particular mentioned
- section
218(e) - the company is unable to pay its
debts (the most common ground); and
- section
218(i) - the court is of the opinion that
it is just and equitable that the company
be wound up (which, as we have seen, may
be useful in the event on unfairness or
deadlock or if the substratum of the
company has been destroyed).
For example, in Ng
Eng Hiam v Ng Kee Wei & Ors (1965) 1 MLJ 238,
winding up of a private company was petitioned
where there was a deadlock between managing
directors. In Re Chi Liang & Son Ltd,
Tong Chong Fah v Tong Lee Hwa & Ors (1968) 1
MLJ 97, a winding up petitioned was filed
where there had been oppression of the petitioner
both as a member of the company and as director.
This case followed the English case of Re H
R Harmer Ltd (1958) 3 All ER 689;
(1959) 1 WLR 62, where it was held that
once it was shown that the acts complained of
were oppressive to the petitioners as members of
the company, it was irrelevant that the
petitioners were also directors, for oppressed
members who were also directors were not, by
virtue of holding such office, disqualified from
obtaining relief.
In Re Long
Thai Sawmill (Miri) Sdn Bhd; Kong Thai Sawmill
(Miri) Sdn Bhd & Ors v Ling Beng Sung (1974)
2 MLJ 227, the Privy Council
pointed out that for a case to be brought within
section 181 (1((a) at all, the complainant must
identify and prove "oppression" or
"disregard". The mere fact that one or
more of those managing the company possessed the
majority of the voting power and, in reliance
upon the power, made policy or executive
decisions, with which the complainant did not
agree, was not enough. There must be a visible
departure from the standards of the fair dealing
and a violation of the conditions of fair play
which a shareholder is entitled to expect before
a case of oppression can be made out.
"disregard" involved something more
than a failure to take into account minority
interest. There must be awareness of that
interest and an evident decision to override it
or brush it aside or to set at naught the proper
company procedure. The Privy Council continued
that although the grant of winding up was at the
discretion of the court, the court must bear in
mind the character of the remedy, if sought to
apply to a company which was a going concern. It
would take into account inter alia:
- the gravity
of the case under section 181(1)
- the
possibility of remedying proved in other
ways than by winding up the company
- the interest
of the applicant in the company
- the interests
of other members of the company not
involved in the proceedings.
The petition for
winding up is normally brought by a creditor.
Rarely can it be brought by a shareholder: 217.
Such a shareholder may be a past or present
member of the company: Re Consolidated Goldfields
of New Zealand (1953) Ch 689; (1953) 2 WLR 584.
Section 218(2)
provides that it is proven that the company
cannot pay its debts if the company defaults in
complying within three weeks with a written
demand for payment served by the creditor to whom
more than RM 500 is due or if unsatisfied
execution has been levied.
In Teck Yow
Brothers Hand-Bag Trading Co v maharani
Supermarket Sdn Bhd (1989) 1 MLJ 101, defined
"unable to pay its debts" as meaning
"insolvency in the commercial sense"
i.e., inability to meet current demands
irrespective of whether the company is possessed
of assets, which, if realised, would unable it to
discharge its liabilities in full.
The meaning and
scope of the phrase "unable to pay its
debts" in section 218(e) was clearly
explained by Justice Siti Norma Yaakob in the
case as follows:
scope of the meaning to be given to the phrase "unable
to pay its debts" appearing
in section 218(1)(e) of the Companies Act 1965 is
explained by McPherson in his book "The Law
of Company Liquidation" (3rd
Editon) at page 54 as follows:
The phrase "unable
to pay its debts" is
susceptible of two interpretations. One
meaning which may properly be attached to it
is that a company is unable to pay its debts
if it is shown to be financially insolvent in
the sense that its liabilities exceed its
assets. But to require proof of this in every
case would impose upon an applicant the often
near-impossible task of establishing the true
financial position of the company and the
weight of authority undoubtedly supports the
view that the primary meaning to the phrase
is insolvency in the commercial sense - that
is inability to meet current demands
irrespective of whether the company is
possessed of assets which, if realised, would
enable it to discharge its liabilities in
That meaning has
been accepted in many cases, such as Re Hong Huat
Realty (M) Sdn Bhd (1987) 2 MLJ 502.
The court may also
accept other evidence and take into account the
contingent and prospective liabilities of the
company. However, the court would not grant the
petition if the debt is seriously disputed: Mann
v Goldstein (1968) 1 WLR 1091. In Liew Yin Yin
Construction Sdn Bhd v Yata Enterprise Sdn Bhd
(1989) 3 MLJ 249, a winding up petition was
struck out as the disputed debt was to be subject
to arbitration proceedings. Similarly, in Re
Mechanised Construction Pte Ltd (1989) 3 MLJ 9, a
winding up petitioned was dismissed as the court
held that a winding up petition is not a
legitimate means of seeking to enforce payment of
a debt which is bona fide disputed.
Winding Up
Under section 254,
voluntary liquidation of a company occurs if it
passes a special resolution to take effect or
when the period fixed for the duration of the
company expires and a resolution of the general
meeting requiring the voluntary winding up of the
company is passed. Winding up commences at the
time of the passing of the resolution for
voluntary winding up.
Where it is
proposed to winding up voluntarily, the majority
of the directors may at a board meeting make a
statutory declaration that having made full
inquiry into the affairs of the company, they
have formed the opinion that the affairs of the
company will be able to pay its debts in full
within a period not exceeding 12 months after the
commencement of the winding up: 257(1). The
company at a general meeting would then proceed
to appoint its liquidators. There would not be
any supervision by the creditors: 258.
However, should
the company be unable to pay its debts within the
period stated in the aforesaid declaration, the
directors would have to make a financial report
to the creditors and the creditors themselves may
appoint the liquidator. It then becomes a
Creditors' Voluntary Winding Up.
directors would prefer members' winding up as
this meansa that, through their de facto control,
their nominee is likely to be appointed
liquidator and therefore their past conduct may
not be examined too closely.
Dissolution of
the Company
The law has made
special provisions which apply during the
liquidation so that those who have invested in or
had dealings with the company can be protected.
- Ouster of
Directors and Management. This is
perhaps the most important provision of
all. On winding up, the board of
directors becomes functus officio; its
powers are assumed by the liquidator:
216(4). This is because it is those in
control who have the power to cause harm
and their removal is therefore essential
before any remedial action can be taken.
This removal occurs automatically on
- Investigation
of Officers' Conduct.The Act makes
provisions enabling the conduct of
directors and managers to be
investigated. The official receiver may
make a report to the court on whether
further inquiry into the conduct of the
company's business is desirable or
whether there has been any fraud being
- Civil
Remedies Against Officers. The Act
also imposes certain civil liabilities on
officers of companies in liquidation. The
two main provisions are section 304 and
305. Section 304 enables the court to
impose personal responsibility on those
who were knowingly parties to the
continuation of the company's business
with intent to defraud creditors or for
other fraudulent purposes. However,
actual dishonesty has to be proven: Re
Patrick & Lyan Ltd (1933) Ch 786.
Section 305 provides power to the court
to investigate any misappropriation or
breach of trust by any promoter or
officer and to compel him to restore the
money or property or to pay compensation.
- Liquidators.
Once the liquidator is appointed, the
powers of the directors cease: 261(4).
The liquidator is the fiduciary agent of
the company: Knowles v Scott (1891) 1 Ch
717. The property of the company does not
vest in him but the company continues to
exists. The liquidators makes contracts
on behalf of the company: Stead Hasel
& Co v Cooper (1933) 1 KB 840.
Although a liquidator is normally bot
personally liable on his contracts, he
has statutory duties: 277(2). He has a
fiduciary relationship with the company
and creditors as a body. He has to give
accounts [section 281] and make good
defaults [section 282].
